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Inktober Challenge

This year, I took on the #Inktober2020 challenge! It was my first year taking part - can you believe it? I always started them in the past, but never did the whole month! I had just completed the pattern challenge, and I thought it would be a good challenge, to explore a different medium this time.

I set my own challenge, of course. Limiting myself to black ink, colour pencils and I had to draw a character each day!

My limitations seemed quite realistic, and I was able to keep up for the first week or so. Drawing quickly in the morning before my real work started, but unfortunately this wasn't always possible.

I made quick sketches, and then using ink and a paintbrush I would either work over it, or using my light box redraw it. I liked adding the pencil crayons, it gave a lovely texture and a pop of colour.

My characters were all animals, which I would name and for that one day they would have stories. For example, Greg the Rocket man or Freddie and Chuckie - my rabbits!

About half way through the month, I struggled to keep up with the drawings but it was still good to have that accountability and focus, it pushed me to continue and not to give up!

Till next year Inktober! Thank you for reading xxx



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